The Far West Masters Scholarship Program has been raising funds for deserving
Far West junior alpine skiers since 1992. The goal of the program is to promote academic scholarship,
citizenship, and leadership within the ski racing community and to keep athletes involved in
ski racing who might otherwise not have a chance without financial support.
Scholarship program funds are raised by direct contributions by Masters racers
and other supporters including family and friends.
There are no overhead expenses in our program - all administrative costs to manage
the program are donated by volunteers, so every dollar raised by the scholarship
program goes to participating athletes.
The Far West Masters Scholarship Program is incorporated
as a 501(c) (3) public charity tax exempt organization, so all donations are tax-deductible.
Contact program chairman Eddie Mozen at
if you have questions or would like to learn more.
The General Scholarship program awards athlete scholarships for race-related expenses
based on a combination of citizenship, exemplary work ethic, academic scholarship, financial need,
and race results.
The Scholarship Program also funds a concussion awareness program that makes
the IMPACT baseline cognitive test available to all Far West junior athletes.
The IMPACT test helps assess head injuries and when it is safe for an athlete to return to sport.
2018 was the 10th and final year of the Jeff Wattenmaker Scholarship program.
Jeff initiated his namesake scholarship prior to his death from melanoma,
arranging to donate funds to expand the Far West Masters Scholarship program
by making funding available for college education expenses to recipients of his scholarship.
His funding supported 13 of our Far West student athletes to attend college
in the amount of $10,000 per athlete.
Given the success of the Wattenmaker Scholarship program, the Far West Masters are now
offering an annual Far West Masters College Scholarship through our organization.
Donations to the program can be directed towards the goal of keeping this college scholarship
Write a check to "Far West Masters Scholarship Program" and send to:
Masters Scholarship Program
c/o Eddie Mozen
PO Box 3718
Olympic Valley, CA 96146
We also accept donations online by credit card or through a Paypal account.
Please designate whether your contribution should be directed to the General Scholarship Fund,
The College Scholarship Fund, or to both.
Please include your mailing address and you will be sent a letter documenting your
charitable contribution for tax purposes.