Far West Races

 Not yet updated for 2024! **not yet updated for 2024**  Not yet updated for 2024!

Note: for 2009-2010 we are switching from 10-year age classes to the standard USSA masters 5-year age classes; material on this page has *not* yet been completely updated to reflect the change. So whenever you see "10-year" change it in your brain to "5-year". We *are* continuing with the Open class.

Here's the really quick summary of the Far West Masters race procedures:
  • 10-year age classes (20's, 30's, ...,80's) 5-year age classes (21-29, 30-34, 35-39,...); 18-20 is "class 18"
  • second run start order: slowest-to-fastest within class
  • second run Open class starts between 50's and 40's (top 10 men, top 5 women) (between class 6 and 5)
  • first-run DNF/DSQ can run at end of their class on second run
  • see below for current Far West Membership Report (08-Mar-2019)
Quick summary of Split Second techniques:


Far West Membership Report

The membership report is used for race registration and checkin. It lists all recently active members in the Far West masters membership database with bib numbers and current dues status for Far West membership and USSA masters license. The report is generated directly from the Far West Masters membership database and correlated with license data from USSA.

Current report (08-Mar-2019)

Far West membership dues status is updated frequently (often weekly during the early part of the season). USSA license status is updated for this report from monthly USSA reports.

For the most current information on Far West Masters members, use th Member Lookup feature on this web site:

For the most current information on USSA masters license status, use the Member Lookup feature on the USSA Alpine web site:

The FW Masters leader bibs are awarded to the top men and women racers of each season:

Far West Race Codes Report

To check the race code assigned by USSA, use the Race Lookup feature on the USSA Alpine web site:

Race code lookup tips: set Sport to Alpine, set Month, optionally set State to CA or NV if you want additional filter on location, set Event Type to M - Masters, set Division to F - Far West, then click Go to run race lookup search. If no hits, you can try changing Event Type to N - Non Scored - occasionally paperwork has gone through categorized as unscored USSA race rather than Masters.

NOTE: A race code is assigned upon completion of the USSA Schedule Agreement, which must be submitted by the race organizer for a competition to be sanctioned on the USSA calendar as a masters competition. This is essential for liability and secondary accident insurance coverage of the event.

Far West Masters Race Operations Summary

 Updated documentation for 2011! **updated documentation for 2011** see the Timing System Software Procedures section on the Race Services page for links to updated documentation for 2011 on running masters races with the Split Second Timing software.

The Far West division runs masters races using 10-year age groups (20's, 30's, ..., 80's) 5-year age classes. A special "open seed" class is introduced for the second run, consisting of the fastest 5 women and 10 men from the first run. Second run start order is by reverse order of first run time within age classes.

The following two documents summarize the race operations rules for the Far West Masters (age classes, start order, SST procedures) and the Split Second coding conventions:

Clarification on under-21 racers: Masters racers according to USSA rules are aged 21 and up. We welcome younger racers to compete with us, but in fairness to our regular masters competitors the following procedures are followed for under-21 racers:

  • regular masters class 20 includes masters competititors 21..29
  • New class 18 includes racers age 18..20 (born 1989-91)
  • Class 00 is used for any competitors under 18 (unusual but ok!)
  • the under-21 classes start after the respective W20 and M20 age classes
  • competitors under age 21 are not eligible for masters age class awards
  • competitors under age 21 are not eligible to compete in the open class

Running a Far West Masters Race using Split Second Timing Software

 Updated documentation for 2011! **updated documentation for 2011** see the Timing System Software Procedures section on the Race Services page for links to updated documentation for 2011 on running masters races with the Split Second Timing software.

For a detailed description of the procedures for running a Far West masters race using the standard USSA Alpine Race Scoring software from Split Second Timing:

(This detailed age class coding description is more information than most readers want or need. The FWM Age Classes Summary provided in the preceding section on Race Operations is sufficient for most purposes and provides a better summary - just do it the way that document describes!)

Links and Contacts

US Alpine Masters US Alpine Masters  - US Alpine masters information, links to timing software and points list downloads, member lookup, etc
Split Second Timing Split Second Timing  - the standard US alpine timing software
TimingGuys.com TimingGuys.com  - discussion boards for timing topics
Glaivestone Software - ACES Glaivestone Software - ACES  - ACE Scoring masters software

Contact Information
Deb Lewis
Director of Race Services and Scoring, Far West Masters
Email: Deb Lewis