This page provides information for race organizers and administrators about
US Ski & Snowboard services and working with Split Second Timing (SST), the widely used timing software for US alpine competitions.
(Other timing software can also be used, but Split Second is the most commonly used timing software in most divisions.)
Go directly to the Far West Masters race services page
for detailed instructions, membership reports, and Split Second setup files for FWM division races.
The procedures we describe are provided as guidelines.
The techniques have been used in various forms by organizing areas in the Far West
over a number of years and have been consolidated here to share the
knowledge and ideas of many people.
This is not the only way to do things, but we know the approach works
and we believe is the simplest way to operate a FW masters race.
use our suggested procedures and data files, it should make your life easier.
Race organizers and administrators have a number of services available though the US Ski & Snowboard web site
for checking that competitors have current licenses and that race codes have been obtained
for sanctioned races on the current season calendar.
For additional links to US Ski & Snowboard services, forms, and competition rules, see the Race Operations information
section on
Member Lookup
Most current US masters will be listed in the points list file,
updated periodically throughout the season by US Ski & Snowboard.
For the most current information, however, use the
Member Lookup servce on the site:
Race Lookup
To check the race calendar for codex numbers assigned by US Ski & Snowboard,
use the Event Lookup service on the site:
A race code is assigned upon completion of the USSS Schedule Agreement, which must be submitted by the race organizer for a competition to be sanctioned on the US alpine calendar as a masters competition.
This is essential for liability and secondary accident insurance coverage of the event.
Officials Reports
To get a complete list of current officials certifications,
use the Officials Certifications Viewer feature on the site:
US Ski & Snowboards publishes a masters points list
data file containing all licensed US masters competitors
periodically throughout the season. The masters points list
file can be used with the Split Second Timing software
to assist in correctly entering racer information such as
name, age, and US license number when inserting
competitors in a Masters Alpine race data file.
The masters points list is scheduled to be published regularly during the
competition season, starting in November and updated approximately monthly.
Although points list files are generally downloaded directly from the race timing software,
the current alpine masters points can also be downloaded directly from the
Alpine Points on the site:
(click on the link to the masters points list file to download)

Visit for the most up-to-date Split Second help and tips
Documentation and tips on running US Masters races
using the National-FIS Race Scoring Software from Split Second
is provided on the web site:
US Alpine Masters
- US Alpine masters information, links to timing software and points list downloads, member lookup, etc
Split Second Timing
- the standard US alpine timing software
- discussion boards for timing topics
Glaivestone Software - ACES
- ACE Scoring masters software
Contact Information
Deb Lewis
Director of Race Services and Scoring, Far West Masters
Email: Deb Lewis