When you arrive at the area for a Far West Masters race,
the race checkin desk is staffed by fellow racers who have volunteered
their time.
Our volunteers will help make sure you have everything you need for your
race day and answer any questions you might have about the event schedule
and masters racing.
On the hill during the race, the officials are also
fellow Far West racers who have volunteered their time to help ensure that our
competitions are safe and fair. At each race, we provide a Technical Delegate (TD)
and a Referee who together with the Chief of Course from the organizing area
comprise the race jury. Mark Mirviss is the Head of Officials
and works diligently each year to ensure that we have licensed officials who are qualified
to work our races.
Date |
Event |
Race Checkin |
Officials |
Dec. 7-8
Mammoth Mountain GS / GS
TD: Dan Simmons RF: Deb Lewis
Jan. 11-12
Sugar Bowl Viva Italia SL /SL
Mary Feddis, Linda Crowell
TD: Rees Palermo RF: Cherie Williams (Sat) Ryan Ritchie (Sun)
Jan. 24-25
Mammoth Speed Series SGx2, SGx2
TD: TBA (Mammoth) RF: Cherie Williams Asst RF: Deb Lewis
Jan. 31
Alpine SLx2
TD: Doug Fulton RF: Don Smith
Feb. 1-2
Palisades Bernard Cup GS / GS
TD: Paul Laudenschlager RF: Cherie Williams
Feb. 7-9
FIS Masters Western Regional Championships - Big Sky MT - SGx2, GS_1x2, SL
Feb. 10-12
National DH Championships - Soldier Mountain ID - DHx2
Feb. 14
Palisades GS [rescheduled]
Mar. 1-2
Diamond Peak SLx2, SL
TD: Hamish Butler RF: Cherie Williams
Mar. 14-15
Northstar SGx2, GS
TD: Hamish Butler RF: Cherie Williams Asst. RF: Kirk Swanson (Fri SGs)
Mar. 18-22
US Masters National Championships - Gore Mountain NY - SG, GS, SL, AC
Apr. 3
Northstar SGx2, GS
TD: Hamish Butler RF: Cherie Williams Asst. RF: Ryan Ritchie
Apr. 4-5
Palisades Season Finals SL, GS
TD: Paul Laudenschlager RF: Cherie Williams