Race Summary
49 competitors (41 men, 8 women)
46 finishers (38 men, 8 women)

Standings By Gender
PlaceCompetitorTotalRace Points
 All WomenTimeRace Points
1PANKE, Liesl (WOP)1:05.110.00
2ROLFE, Julie (WOP)1:10.1281.56
3HOGAN, Sandy (W60)1:16.30182.17
4PETTIGREW, Marcie (W60)1:17.14195.85
5BRYANT, Barbara (W60)1:23.07292.39
6GRISWOLD, Guna (W50)1:23.28295.81
7KLOBUCZEK, Lucyna (W30)1:29.55397.89
8FARIS, Kathy (W60)1:34.59479.94
 All MenTimeRace Points
1NORTHROUP, Erick (MOP)1:03.790.00
2JEANGIRARD, Pierre (MOP)1:05.5629.41
3BRAUN, Michael (MOP)1:05.7933.23
4VAN STRALEN, Erich (MOP)1:06.1238.72
5MCINTYRE, Patrick (MOP)1:06.9752.84
6PAPAZIAN, Ara (MOP)1:07.4260.32
7MONICO, Archie (MOP)1:07.4560.82
8BOSIN, Pavel (M50)1:07.7265.30
9FARNEDI, Daniele (M40)1:08.6680.92
10STEWART, Tim (M50)1:08.9185.08
11PROBERT, Chris (MOP)1:08.9285.25
12BARNHART, John (M50)1:09.0086.57
13PALERMO, Rees (M50)1:09.2490.56
14SUSSEK, Randall (M50)1:09.82100.20
15PROBERT, Russell (M60)1:09.93102.03
16DICKSON, Tom (M40)1:10.19106.35
17WILLIAMS, Michael (M50)1:11.03120.31
18KLOBUCZEK, Heinrich (M40)1:11.77132.60
19TANZMAN, Ronald (M60)1:11.81133.27
20LAMPRECHT, Hannes (M60)1:12.31141.58
21MIRVISS, Mark (M50)1:12.70148.06
22SIMMONS, Dan (M60)1:12.95152.21
23BURKOV, Sergei (M50)1:13.03153.54
24CUCURA, Paul (M50)1:13.33158.53
25SMITH, Brian (M50)1:13.86167.33
26PATRIKEYEV, George (M20)1:14.65180.46
27SMITH, Don (M60)1:15.74198.57
28HOPPER, Dan (M50)1:15.85200.40
29COLLEEN, David (M50)1:15.91201.40
30GLUSHENKO, Alexander (M50)1:17.72231.48
31THYS, Buck (M70)1:18.84250.09
32OLSON, Richard (M70)1:19.48260.72
33MANTER, John (M70)1:25.20355.77
34HRABAL, Paul (M40)1:27.42392.66
35HINISH, James (M50)1:36.22538.89
36MAYEDA, David (M50)1:36.35541.05
37WHITE, Stephen (M30)1:38.62578.77
38WHITE, Ronald (M70)2:11.441124.14

Scoring Details
Race points: F=1060
Classes: Far West masters 10-year age classes with men's and women's open seed
Courses: All racers on one course