7 March, 2009 – Alpine Meadows, CA


Board Members attending: Elizabeth Kennedy, Marcie Pettigrew, Sandy Hogan, Deb Lewis, Don Smith, Marietta Frinnell

Others in attendance:  Mike Kennedy, Mark Mirviss


Old Business/topic for discussion and decision: National Age class.

     Marietta noted that the major decision to be made concerned whether or not the National Age class (NAC) should be instituted for the upcoming season, and called for a motion on this topic.  Elizabeth moved to institute the National Age Class in FWM in the 09/10 ski season.  Marcie seconded the motion.  A discussion followed:


A general discussion ensued, with Don presenting his informal survey feedback from those not supporting the NAC.  General discussion indicated that if we donŐt try it, weŐll never know if it might encourage new (or returning) racers or not.  After discussion, a vote was taken, with 4 for the motion, 1 against.  Motion passed.  Don asked Marietta as to how her vote would go, if the missing membersŐ vote would have resulted in a tie.  She noted that she would vote ŇforÓ, and the motion would pass, in any event.


The Board meeting was adjourned at approximately 3:15 pm.



Marietta called the General Membership meeting to order at approximately 3:15 pm, and announced the decision made by Board.  She noted that the Bylaws allowed for the general membership to vote on Board decisions, and asked if anyone wished to speak against the BoardŐs decision.  A 2/3Ős vote is necessary to overturn a Board decision.  No one chose to speak.


Marietta read each of the 5 positions on the ballot, asking for additional nominations; there were no additional nominations.  The following were elected to the Board:  VP-Scheduling:  Mark Mirviss; VP-Membership: Marcie Pettigrew; VP-Communications: Ingrid Braun; and two additional Board positions which were added at the fall meeting:  Don Smith and Deb Lewis.   The general membership meeting was adjourned, followed by scholarship recipient speakers, awards, and raffle.